The Office for Undergraduate Research (SAUUR) believes that engaging and empowering students in research early in their careers prepares them to address unsolved challenges and take on crucial roles as future research leaders. Vision: Establish a university in which all undergraduate students have an opportunity to engage in and lead research. Our Mission is to enhance undergraduate research opportunities at the state and national levels, inspired by the belief in empowering all students to engage in research.

At SAUUR , we are committed to provide an enriching experience by offering CIQ:


We strive to engage students from different in-state and out-of-state HBCUs.


Provide the necessary data and insight to launch new products by applying creativity and critical thinking throughout the process.


Ensure the trustworthiness of research using the four criteria: credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability.


Indrani Singh, Ph.D.

Indrani Singh

Interim Vice President of Institutional/Undergraduate Research and Effectiveness


Indrani Singh is the Interim Vice President of Institutional / Undergraduate Research and Effectiveness at the Office of the President. As a mixed- methods researcher, she conducts interdisciplinary and mixed-methods research and provides leadership and guidance on the use of data for strategic planning, assessment, policy formulation, decision making and believes in promoting undergraduate research programs in higher education. She has over twenty -five years of experience in the academic landscape, skilled at implementing strategic leadership and planning through research and cross-departmental collaboration. She is passionate about exploring social justice, emotional well-being, and student success- oriented program evaluations and encourages the application of strategies in data governance essential for effective decision-making, mandatory reporting and assessment.

Alieu B. Wurie

Alieu B. Wurie

Dean of the School of Sciences, Mathematics, & Allied Health Director, Office of Undergraduate Research


Professor Alieu B Wurie is the Dean of the School of Sciences, Mathematics and Allied Health and Director, Office of Undergraduate Research. From 2008 to 2021 he served as Department Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Engineering. He received his BS in mathematics and BS in Chemistry at Saint Augustine’s College (now University), graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1990. He received his MS degree in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University in 1994, and further studies at NC State & Strayer Universities. In 2021 he received his Apple Teacher’s certification. Professor Wurie’s research interests include Applied Mathematics, and Modeling in Chemical Engineering & Membrane Technology. His teaching philosophy is the student-centered approached. If there are no students, then there will be no need for faculty. His main goal is to shape his instructions to reach as many students as possible in the classroom. Professor Wurie is co-author of Book Chapter: Cunningham, D.F., Wurie, A., Byfield, G.E., and Melton, M.A. (2015) Impact of STEM Capstone Undergraduate Research Courses at Saint Augustine’s University. In ‘Infusing Undergraduate Research into Historically Black Colleges and Universities Curricula’ – Diversity in Higher Education (Volume 17). Chapter 8.